Monday, July 13, 2009

My story of "Hope"

Hello all, just stopping in really quick to post that I have entered a contest hosted by O'Cedar products to grants wishes of "hope" I have written a small essay of my life and my family and would love if you could stop by and give me a vote. Voting will be from 8/17 through 9/3 and I will post a link here on my blog. I will also update you as the date get closer. Thank you all for your help with this and every way you have all touched mine and my families life!!


Voting will start on 8/17 and will go through 9/3. You may vote once per day and will need to click on the link "Vote for Hope" . Not sure how you will be able to find my story, but will let you know as soon as I find out. This is to receive a $1000.00 award to hopefully take my family on a trip to the ocean!! Thanks in advance for all of your help.